Saturday, August 22, 2009

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The entry. I MUST KEEP CONTROL OF THINGS I am confident that my period of nightmares and near-hysteria is over. I have regained control of myself and therefore —— He considers tearing out this page and beginning it afresh. But that would not be in accord with the regulations he is following. He sucks his lower lip. . . am doubtless much more cheerful. The above phrase is something of a puzzle to me for at this point I cannot remember writing it. Perhaps I was under even greater stress than I imagined and wrote it last night after finishing the ordinary entry. Well it was good advice — the advice of this stranger who could only have been myself! It gives me a slightly eery feeling however I must admit. I expect I will remember when I wrote it. I hope so. In the meantime there is no point in my racking my brains. The information will come when my unconscious is ready to let me have it! Otherwise — all O. K. The gloom and doom period is.
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